Sign up for your free HOACGA (Heart of America Carnival Glass Association) annual membership or choose to be a member of both clubs. You will receive 5 issues of the CARNIVAL GLASS ACTION – a joint news publication of HOACGA and TCGC (Texas Carnival Glass Club). The newsletter is filled with educational articles, wonderful pictures, and notifies of upcoming carnival glass events (other club events, upcoming auctions, etc.). For $15.00 you are entitled to a HOACGA membership and an emailed PDF newsletters. Should you want mailed printed newsletters, they are available for an annual subscription price of $35.00
NOTE: HOACGA membership runs from May 1 – April 30, so if you join during the year, you will receive all of the newsletters (PDF version ONLY) back to the previous May edition. Prior newsletters are not available in printed versions.
Overseas membership is available only in the PDF version